kindel ann

April 21, 2009

I’m coming back…

Filed under: Blogging,Miscellaneous — Kindel @ 9:20 am

…sometime…I promise.

School has been crazy the past few weeks and it’s not going to get any better, so sad to say. I have 3-ish more weeks of school. Then about 3-ish weeks after that, I’M GETTING MARRIED!!! So maybe after the honeymoon, once school is over and the wedding is behind us, I’ll have time for blogging. I hope at least.

I might post occasionally, just little stuff here and there. But I’ll be back for real in June!

April 15, 2009

Susan Sings

Filed under: Music,Video — Kindel @ 7:27 am

You have to watch this video all the way through. And I hope you’re sitting down. And Simon’s face throughout the whole thing makes me smile.

Go. Go watch it now!

Did you watch it?

Wow. The whole “don’t judge a book by its cover” thing really echoes in my head. I’ve watched this about 3 gajillion times and it brings tears to my eyes every time.

March 31, 2009

This makes me smile…

Filed under: Music,Video — Kindel @ 7:00 am

This is incredible! I don’t know how she keeps her hands going while singing into the mic! From the patty cake hands to the whistle…it’s all so cute! You can read the lyrics here.

March 26, 2009

I’m so in…

Filed under: Blogging,Computer,Life — Kindel @ 4:38 pm

Tomorrow (3.27.09) has been declared Unplug day. And I’m so stinkin’ excited.

Kimba over at A Soft Place to Land (she’s wonderful, by the way…definitely on The Kindo List) has declared Friday the day we pull ourselves away from the modern “conveniences” that take up a lot of our time and instead devote ourselves to the things in life that really matter. For you that may mean spending time with family, friends, or projects that you know need to get done.

Some people spend hours a day reading blogs and emailing and reading tweets and such.

Not that I would do that or anything.

So tomorrow is unplug day and I’m removing myself for 24 hours from Facebook, Twitter, blogging, casual email, and generally wasteful computer time. The only thing I’ll use will be email/computer for school/homework purposes. That’s it. I’ll keep my cell phone with me mainly because that’s my only means of communication. Really. It’s sad, I know.

I have a piano recital coming up on Sunday so I’ll be spending a LOT of time in the practice room. A lot.

So join us. Unplug from technology for 24 hours. 24 lil’ ole hours. Plug into something that is totally worth your time.

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